Why You Need Tor To Use The Agora URL

Agora URL is a very secretive website that specializes in drugs and other illegal substances. This site will let you transact all your illegal activities such as selling or purchasing of drugs, counterfeit accessories or any other commodity in the most anonymous way possible without the fear of any authorities. One peculiar thing about this site is its ability to remain anonymous and very private such that if you are buying drugs you will never know who sold it to. This makes it impossible for spies to monitor any activity in this site. It has actually been referred to as the drug black market, the Amazon’s black market.


Information concerning Agora URL is very sketchy. You cannot either access this URL through search engines. One thing you need to know is that this site will not give you direct access. You will need to undergo a lengthy confirmation process to show that you are a genuine user.

There is one thing that you must have before creating an account in this Agora URL- Tor software. This is the software that keeps Agora URL as anonymous as possible and very secure.

The Onion Router (Tor) is a networking protocol that is designed to anonymize any data that passes through it. This makes it impossible for any spies to know the existence of such data, thus not prone to spying as they cannot see your search history, webmail or social media posts. Moreover, no one can tell the country you are accessing the net from or even be able to locate you using the IP address.


How Tor Works

Tor works in unusually unique way. When you log into this site, your data is put into an encrypted packet. Then, it proceeds to strip of the packet’s header. This part that is stripped off is the part that contains your identification details which can be used to locate you. This data can be used to tell identification details about the user such as the OS the user is using.

This feature is very important in Agora URL. This is what keeps Agora members anonymous as the part of the packet containing their details is usually cut off. Thisallows the members to transact any illegal transactions as their identity remains unknown.

Tor then encrypts the remaining data in the packet, which is then called packet wrapper. This packet wrapper is sent (relayed) to its destination but not straight to the destinations. It goes round the servers, about 4500 servers in a roundabout manner so as to make any snooping eye lose track of it.

Each of these relays will only decrypt information from the packet wrapper enough to denote the relay the information originated from and the intended recipient. The package is wrapped in another wrapper by the relay and sent on.

By using encrypted relays, Agora offers a platform that enables members to send and receive information in the most secure manner. All this information is sent through encrypted packet wrapper to and from the sender and thus making deals. Moreover, this Agora URL is also very obfuscating thus making it hard for any snoop to spy on it. Click here to learn more about the Agora Marketplace URL.
